Grenadier – Grab Handle

For some reason (maybe reduced visibility), the drivers side Grab Handle is omitted for all Grenadiers whether LHD or RHD.

I bought a handle and associated hardware for around £130. Will detail the Serial Numbers of the pieces required and their prices tomorrow. As for the A pillar trim panel, I used the existing and modified it with suitable cutting equipment. There is also discussion about causing problems with airbags. The design and bracketry for the handle is exactly the same on both side, which eliminates the soothsayers discussion in airbags.

FYI: All the brackets on my vehicle were already pre-installed.

  • Handle: £97.25 + VAT. Part No: INGRA-7000-022530
  • Grab Handle Cap: £7.00 + VAT. Part No: INGRA-7000-022101
  • Grab Handle Cap: £7.00 + VAT. Part no: INGRA-7000-022111
  • Total Cost: £133.50