Hambach Production Line

  • One of Europe’s most modern automotive manufacturing sites, Hambach is an established world-class 210,000m² production facility.
  • Its highly experienced direct workforce of 1,300 has an excellent track record for the quality of its output.
  • Hambach’s location gives it excellent access to supply chains, automotive talent and sales markets.
  • Since 2019, over €700m has been invested in Hambach.
  • The Grenadier line includes a new semi-automated paintshop, a new fully-automated bodyshop, and a new quality centre – the Grenadier operation is benefiting from the latest technology.
  • Adding INEOS Group’s proven zero tolerance safety approach has further improved an already impressive safety record at Hambach.
  • 500 Grenadier prototypes were built at Hambach across three ‘production try-out’ (PTO) phases to test and validate supply chain, assembly and quality control processes.
  • Setting up a new operation from scratch is complex and can’t be rushed: we have set up an all-new operation, implemented new systems, upgraded facilities, configured over 250 robots, and spent over 100,000 hrs training staff.
  • Grenadier is a whole new model line so it was important that we took this time to get it right.
  • Hambach workforce operates in a culture focused on quality, a valuable legacy of the plant’s Mercedes-Benz DNA.
  • Quality of the engineering and manufacturing processes means this is a vehicle designed to last 25 years or more. Longevity is built-in.
  • Hambach has been ramping up serial production, continuously raising the numbers of cars being built per day: this is reliant upon inward and outward logistics and supplier partners: about 1750 parts have to get to the production line on a Just in Time basis.
  • Hambach is on track to reach over 20,000 cars before the end of 2024.